Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The kitchen of the future. Available today.

Nowadays everything is getting connected. Even ice cubes, condoms and diapers.

But what about the kitchen? We all know that old grandma recipes are the best and everybody claims to be good at executing them. But I’m sure that a little geeky help to improve the outcomes and save time would be welcome, right?
Let’s cook a special dinner the IoT way.

Ingredients first.
How beautiful it is when you have bought everything for preparing lasagne except the most important one: lasagne.
With the Neo Smart Jar this will be just a nightmare of the past. Not only it keeps track of which and how much you have at home of each ingredient, but it also takes care a placing an order on Amazon Fresh for you.

Now, let’s add the tomato sauce. Wait, was it 100 or 200 grams? And that’s to me looks as too much oil…
Sounds familiar, right? Well, now you can forget about this hassle. Get yourself a Get Drop Scale.
Not only it will guide you step-by-step through the recipe, but will also detect errors.

Ok. I know. Real cooks don’t weight ingredients. But they do care a lot about pan temperature to get that nutty flavour. Should I remind you of that lousy, pale, steak you had at home yesterday?
Meet SmartyPan:

And if you prefer to have your T-bone BBQ style, iGrill will manage to get it to the point.

Perfect. We are now ready to eat our special meal. Take a fork, please. But not the century old piece of cutlery. The Hapi one. Not only it checks your calories intake, but also the way you eat, to help you stay fit.

Lastly, your old cookbook may also need a refresh. Let’s call IBM’s Watson for that.
Seriously. Never thought about a “Vietnamese apple kebab”? It did. And it has just published its first recipes collection.

Please, hurry up to try it. Because in the near future your fridge will probably decide that butter isn't welcome in this house.

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